Why we read books?

Photo by Jarry lee/Buzz feed It was unbearably sad for me to answer this question. A friend of mine stated that learning from other means such as TV, movies and other videos are more fun and less time consuming than to dwell on books for hours. By all means that is true. There are tones of amazing Hollywood movies which offer knowledge on numerous genres. So why do people turn to books when it can be finished in just two hours of video? What do books offer? Here is a Quora answer by Andrew Weil. "Books have been the primary repository of human knowledge since writing was invented. Because of books, each generation can stand on the knowledge that has been previously accumulated. We don't have to reinvent the wheel, because the way to design a wheel has been recorded in books. We don't have to rediscover the principles of geometry, or calculus, or biochemistry, or nuclear physics, or agriculture, or the best way to barbecue rib...