Ep 1- Rajeev Amatya : The mindset we all want

Rajeev Amatya is the cofounder and the Managing Director at Kaymu Nepal. Rocket Internet, a German based company and the parent company of Kaymu Nepal is one the pioneer in e-commerce business in Nepal. Before joining Kaymu he has worked as an Investment banker and Strategic consultant. He is also the co-founder and CEO of 88Yaks based in Italy. When he had been to our University as a guest speaker, people said he is just too young to be the “Managing director” of one of the largest online business in Nepal . And I was like why not; would you expect a fifty plus person to be sited on the director post of an online business? No offense to people who are in their fifties; I don’t think age matters at all. If anything matters, then it’s the willingness to learn, explore the opportunities around and calculate your risk. It’s all about your mindset and this is what I learned from the brief conversation I had with Rajeev Amatya. Here are the five mind sets we all need: ...