They went for moon!

earth view from moon “ manchhe haru chandrama ma pugisake,yo alchi ko poko,ghaam tauko mathi aaisakda samma ochhayan mai che!!” When I was a kid, this used to be the wake up alarm from my mother for me. Every once in a while or at least every morning someone landed to moon for me. So u know this “man going to moon” thing was not fascinating to me at that time. I always wondered why people make such a fuss of the man and the moon. They have rockets, they have equipments, scientist, engineers what would it take for them to make a trip to the moon (at that time I thought these were enough to make it :) One fine summer night, I was lying down on the terrace looking up to the sky seeing stars. I rolled my eyes to my moon buddy, I smirked my nose, adjusted my spect so that I can see him clearly through my lenses. I chuckled and said “who is tomorrow to land on you?”seriously? That is what I would say??I crossed myself, what am I!?getting there, u...