love is.......

love is.... "overrated" a friend in our group declared in his intoxicated state. Soon our group divided into two groups, one saying love is overrated and other saying love is no way overrated. They had their points justifying their opinions. Some were bullshit points, some points were justified and some were just the alcohol talk. love is the state of mind which initiates the emo-chemical bond between the parties involved with an irrational inclination towards each other where the primary objective or maybe the only objective lie in seeing the other counterpart happy (well you will be ultimately happy through induction effect of their happiness) with no expectation of reciprocation or whatsoever. okay yes, my definition of love sucks. i don't know, i just wanted to write what would i write down if i have to. Nobody knows anything, else we would have got a standard definition of love. Scientific theories changes every year, economist explain why and how things are...